Fire Safety Training: How to Get the Most Value from the Training

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Clean Energy Production In recent years, clean energy production has really taken off. I was first introduced to the subject by my friend Barry. Barry wanted me to understand how I could make a difference to the environment. He spent several hours explaining the different steps I could take to improve my home. He recommended that I install solar panels on the roof space and that I consider installing new wall insulation to keep the heat in. I took his advice and called in an energy contractor. I am so pleased with the results. Not only have I helped protect the environment, I have also cut my energy bills.




Conducting a fire training course in your workplace is essential in sensitising your employees about fire hazards and how to get to safety during an emergency. However, fire training courses are usually crafted differently, and you need to ensure that you go for the right one that will address specific hazards that your workplace is exposed to. This will ensure that you get your money's worth and conduct training that will meet the minimum OHSA requirements. In this light, here are three things that you should look into when choosing a fire training course for your company.

Type of course

As aforementioned, there are various types of fire training courses. For example, the kind of training that employees would receive in a petroleum refinery company would not be the same as that in a plastic manufacturing firm. Ask the company to visit your business premises, assess the fire risks, and tailor a course that will address the individual needs. This will enable your workers to be adequately equipped to deal with emergencies within the premises. Do not just get any course that prepares workers for general fire emergencies.

Course content

What will the fire training course cover? Go over the outline to ensure that it covers basic training such as the various types of fire extinguishers and fire control systems, how to use fire extinguishers, and ways to react in an emergency. Additionally, the course should also cover complex issues such as how to make quick and accurate life or death decisions. The course should also offer first aid training like how to carry out CPR or manage fire victims who have been physically or emotionally affected during the process.

Course trainers

The individuals who offer training in a fire course are as important as the course itself. If you get individuals with zero experience in fire emergencies, they will provide textbook scenarios and solutions. These may not always be so helpful. Instead, look for a company whose trainers have had real-life experiences with fire emergencies. Such people are in a better position to offer proper advice, real stories, and actionable tips on how to survive a fire and help others to safety. This will make the training more exciting and memorable for your workers.

Addressing fire safety at the workplace is paramount. Besides offering training, make sure that your office is equipped with safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, CO2 detectors, and working fire alarms. Inspect your equipment at least once a year to ensure that they are still working correctly.

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